Just launched your blog or website? Great. You probably want somebody to find it now.

On some farms, they just throw typewriters into haystacks. The villagers come and they forage for the typewriter. Then they go home, write a novel, and toss it into another haystack. Eventually someone finds the novel, and if they like it, they read it; if they don’t, they just keep on throwing.

At BuzzFarmers, we’re a little different. We know about the Internet. Even more importantly, we know about that Google guy and how he’s some crazy fast super-reader and good at answering questions when people type words into his search barrel.

But how does one go about getting Mr. Google to read your words? Simple. The Internet is awesome, and we’ve come up with a list of the best search engine submission tools you’ll ever find. Right here. Right now.

Grow Your Own Grass

Don’t believe in landscapers on your farm? We can respect that. That’s why it’s sometimes even the best search engine tools don’t give you that hands-on control that we so desire. Here are links to submit your site to search engines through the search engines themselves.

Google search engine submission – Google is going to index your site at some point, but using this tool let’s them know you’re there and that they should index your site quickly.

Bing search engine submission – Your site hasn’t show up in Bing just yet? Just clicky clicky right here and Bing will start indexing you just as soon as their tractors can get there.

Yahoo is now powered by Bing, so there’s no need to submit anything there.

Hire a Landscaper

Not into all of the quick-form technical mumbo jumbo? That’s fine: There are a few services you can use that will submit your site wherever you want, and these are the best search engine submission tools that we’ve found:

FastSubmit – This site will submit your site everywhere. Well, almost everywhere. It says it will submit it “to over 100+ of the Internet’s biggest search engines and directories,” except they’re missing Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

Submit Express – The most highly ranked search engine submission tool is Submit Express. They have a paid service that starts at $29.95, but they also have a free search engine submission tool, too. It submits to all major search engines, including to major search engines like Yahoo!, Google, Bing (formerly MSN), and DMOZ.

Add.me – This free service takes about one minute to complete and will submit your site to Google, Scrub the Web, Bigfinder, Fyber Search, ExactSeek, InfoTiger, FocusLook, WalHello, Jayde, EntireEeb, Mixcat, SearchSight, WhatuSeek, e-SiteSecrets, Tower Search, Burf, Feedplex, Active Search Results, Anoox, and GhetoSearch.

The Truth About the Best Search Engine Submission Tools

The truth about all of this is that search engines are going to find your content at some point whether you submit to them or not. By submitting your site to search engines, it’s not going to boost your ranking; it’s only going to tell them that you are there right now.

A better way to go about this is to use social media to promote your site. Google likes social networks like Twitter, and as soon as it sees you on Twitter, it indexes whatever you’ve linked to. You will get indexed 10 times faster by using social media than by doing nothing, and still a whole lot faster than by manually submitting yourself to search engines.

If you want to be more proactive about submitting your articles, there is a popular tool called Pingomatic, which will tell search engines every time you post a new blog. Like I said, social media will do the same thing for you (and create more inbound links), but Pingomatic helps you by adding new posts to all of the many blog directories out there, too.

Published On: August 6th, 2022 / Categories: SEO Blogging for Business / Tags: /