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Survey Results: 32% of Restaurant Customers Will Re-Tweet for a $5 Coupon
If we’re friends (hello, friend!), then you know how dorky I get about behavioral science...
Using Facebook for Real Estate Marketing Can Be Totally Awesome
If you're not using Facebook for real estate marketing, let these big real estate agencies show...
Five Tips for Writing a Video Blog Script
So, you have a video blog coming up, eh? Been there! You probably need one...
Pinterest SEO Tips: An Excuse to Pin, or a Waste of Time on the “Idiot Box”?
My grandmother used to call the television the “idiot box.” One minute in front of...
Blog Copywriting Tip: Stop Telling People What You’re Selling
Door-to-door salesmen have a few things right. It's hard to say no to someone who's standing on your doorstep with a rusty dodge in your driveway, decorated with a "baby on board" sign. "I'll listen to what this guy has to say," you think, and an hour later you have a brand new vacuum cleaner. Face-to-face sales just work.
Blog Audience Lesson: Who’s Really Reading Your Blog?
When most people hear that we “blog” for a living, they think of homespun bloggers...