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What Stock Photography Says About Your Blog (and Why It’s Worth Ditching for Local Talent)
Stock photography looks like stock photography. We can pick a stock photo out of a...
Hurricane Marketing: How to Piss Off People During a Natural Disaster
Illustration by Nick Palazzo Around midnight last night, when our power came back on from Sandy’s...
Why Grammar Nazis Are the Worst
Your angry tweet about a typo was spelled perfectly and had impeccable grammar, but unfortunately...
Survey Results: 32% of Restaurant Customers Will Re-Tweet for a $5 Coupon
If we’re friends (hello, friend!), then you know how dorky I get about behavioral science...
Using Facebook for Real Estate Marketing Can Be Totally Awesome
If you're not using Facebook for real estate marketing, let these big real estate agencies show...
Blog Audience Lesson: Who’s Really Reading Your Blog?
When most people hear that we “blog” for a living, they think of homespun bloggers...