Templates aren’t bad, they’re the lines we learn to draw outside of once we learn what the lines are for

A template, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as follows:

: A gauge, pattern, or mold (as a thin plate or board) used as a guide to the form of a piece being made.

: Something that establishes or serves as a pattern.

All art uses a template. In visual art, this may include a color pattern. In music, it can be a beat. These lines of guidances must exist before an attempt at drawing outside the lines begins.

For example, every song has beat. Most genres of music incorporate specific beat patterns and beat speeds. While musicians might not know it, they are tapping into a natural template for their music.

Although there is creative expression used in composing music, there is also basic structure that holds the whole thing together. This is same for writing; it’s an art form that also has basic structure.

If you’re trying to blog blindly, without considering a template in the process, over time you’ll run into problems of efficiency and structure. You may even get burnt out on writing in the same manner each time you go to create a new article.

Before you fire up WordPress next time, create or use a blog post template so there’s structure to follow. Once you understand the structure, and how it helps readers digest your content more easily, you can begin to write outside the lines when you need to ride on a creative spark.

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7 Blog Post Templates

Don’t currently have any blog post templates in your arsenal? No problem, I have a few suggestions for you. The following seven blog post templates are fairly basic, but can be interpreted into catchy, fun and intriguing blog posts.

Blog post template #1: Problem/Solution Post, example 1

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Story in the first paragraph(s)
  • Problem identification
  • Solution to the problem
  • Takeaways

Blog post template #2: Problem/Solution Post, example 2

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Problem
  • List of Solutions
  • Largest takeaway

Blog post template #3: Anecdotal Post

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Story
  • Largest takeaway

Blog post template #4: Best of Post

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Introduction paragraph
  • Best of list
  • Takeaway

Blog post template #5: List Post

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Introduction paragraph
  • List
  • Wrap up paragraph asking for readers to add their own list items

Blog post template #6: Social Media Post 

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Short body paragraph(s) that are shareable
  • Call to action to share the post

Blog post template #7: News post 

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Introduction paragraph on the news
  • Citations and context from other sources
  • Personal opinion on the news

The Benefit of Blog Post Templates

Blog post templates present you with a guide and a structure. This way, your words are focused, and the efficiency of completing articles is your friend. It’s easier to rely on a blog post template than to attempt recreating the wheel each time you sit down to write.

If you aren’t using blog post templates, it’s much easier to create unstructured, confusing, or poorly devised content. However, if your post sucks and you’re using a template, then you have more than the structure to blame. It’s just like in music, you wouldn’t blame the beat or song structure if the final piece isn’t satisfactory.

Don’t sit in front of your computer hoping to get a creative strike of insight for your next article. If you prepare first by using a blog post template, you’ll find the words easier and more quickly. Think of a problem, think of the solution. Now, how can you turn it into a blog post in a way that’s not been done before? Efficiency will increase, and your articles may even get better.

Rhythm is nature of the universe. Everything has a natural flow to it. By using blog post templates, you’re outlining this natural flow, giving it recognition, and allowing it to blossom.

Published On: June 21st, 2022 / Categories: Blogging Best Practices / Tags: /