After six years of questions about the success of our marijuana growing business, we’ve rebranded our content marketing company BuzzFarmers to Lantern. Specifically, Lantern Content Marketing Adventure company.

I kid only slightly on the joke about our business model. People asked all the time.

When we emerged as BuzzFarmers six years ago, we wanted to represent the organic growth a company blog could achieve by producing the right type of content, crafted really well by skilled artisans, and deployed by world-class marketers. The “farm” theme brought us an office with cubicles that looked like sheds, and more tin farm animals than you could count.

It was a fun theme that we loved, but then the term “content farms” popped up. And given our dedication to locally-sourced talent and handcrafted content, suddenly “farm” wasn’t a positive word we wanted to connect with our brand, especially when our focus is solely on content.

Today we re-emerge with a new sense of duty to serve our content marketing clients as Lantern Content Marketing Adventure Company. We continue to serve as the light that guides curious strangers to our client’s products. We continue on our very focused path of turning company blogs into the #1 source of marketing-qualified sales leads for all of our clients.

The photo above is from this weekend, where we had a little shindig with our incredibly talented team and their families for a little BBQ and a little wiffle ball. We’re so happy they’re on this journey with us, because we couldn’t do it without them!

Published On: September 25th, 2016 / Categories: Company News /