You might remember Jim Almo from his spotlight in one of our #FollowFriday videos. Well, not only does he follow some incredible people on Twitter, but he also gets social media and community building. That’s good news because we’ve on-boarded Jim recently as BuzzFarmers’ first (and only) Community Manager.

Here are three important facts you should know about Jim Almo:

First, Jim loves coffee. So much so, he’s already written about the best coffee shops in Rhode Island. He’s also a foodie, or should I say a vegetarian who kindly puts up with the rest of us office carnivores. Check out his post on five common restaurant blogging challenges.

Second, Jim’s a drummer. He brings lyrical beat to his writing that only musicians can.

Finally, Jim is a hard-worker who takes the time to really learn everything about our industry. When you’re training a new employee, you’ll often get a lot of blank stares as people nod their head to tell you they understand. Not with Jim. Jim asks questions – the right questions – and then putters away at his work learning everything possible about whatever he’s working on. You can tell just by talking with him and seeing his future output that he really understands and works hard on everything he learns. He’s a master of our social media formulas and writes most of the social content for our clients.

I’ve watched Jim grow immensely these past few months. He started working with us as a social media copywriter and is now doing both content writing and filling the full-time shoes of a community manager. I’m sure you’ll love getting to know Jim Almo as much as we have.

BuzzFarmers: Where are you from?

Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 9.41.47 PMJim Almo: I grew up in a small town in Virginia, but lived in Austin, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana for a while before relocating to Rhode Island.

BF: What were you like as a child?

JA: I liked to read, and ride my bike. Active, I suppose.

BF: Who are your heroes?

JA: I have so many, but I think the thing they all have in common is a willingness to learn, to stand up for what is right, and look out for those less fortunate than themselves.

BF: Describe your education.

JA: I’m an eighth-grade graduate. Seriously, though, I started out in ethnomusicology and transitioned to cultural and applied anthropology.

BF: Describe your work experience.

JA: My first few jobs involved fast food, the Department of Transportation, and a plastics factory- that was all before I graduated high school!

I was a professional musician for awhile, but that’s a little more difficult to do in the Northeast. I’ve worked for years in the coffee industry and have been a freelance and employed writer throughout almost all of it.

BF: Why did you want to work at BuzzFarmers?

JA: I like that Buzzfarmers is always experimenting and trying to find ways to improve. I appreciate that Pat and Amanda have realistic expectations, but also challenge employees to continue to learn and beyond that, innovate. Plus, I enjoy writing.

Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 9.58.39 PMBF: What are your goals here?

JA: In some ways, my goals here are what they always are in my professional life: to learn, to improve, to innovate.

I also hope to contribute to the team through new ideas or perspective.

My more immediate goal, however, is to land an account with Slayer Espresso (hint, hint).

BF: What are your hobbies?

JA: Cooking and playing drums.

BF: What’s your favorite TV show and why?

JA: I don’t really watch TV much, but I do enjoy an episode of Ghost Hunters now and then.

BF: What kind of music do you listen to when you’re working on something or exercising?

JA: I listen to a little bit of everything. I love jazz, traditional jazz, brass band funk, classic country, punk rock, bluegrass…I also really love Balkan music and Carribean and Brazilian music.

BF: Tell me a quick story that encapsulates what kind of person you are.

JA: Hmmm…. Ok, I’m the kid that went to several Grateful Dead shows, but listened to punk rock on the way there.

BF: Favorite dish you’ve ever had at a restaurant? Describe the dish and tell us the restaurant.

JA: This is tough. I love so many different foods, and my favorites could change depending on what I’m in the mood for. I’ve been a vegetarian for over 20 years, so my first qualifier is that the restaurant has to have veggie food.

Beyond that, I am pretty happy as long as the food is soulful and made with intention. If anything, though, the food I dream about is from a little taco stand in Austin called Tamale House. They had the best breakfast tacos, pretty much guaranteed to start your day off right.

BF: Are you a mountain person or water person?

JA: Water

BF: What’s your favorite feature of yourself?

JA: Besides my stunning good looks and winning personality? :)

I love to learn. Whether I’m learning how to write better headlines or about a new band or new cooking technique, I like to keep my mind open.

BF: Name the first five things you’d do if you won $5 million.

JA: I would buy an obscene amount of pennies, and deliver them to the student loan office to pay off my private loans. (Does that count?)

1. Probably faint.

2 The practical side of me would invest at least $4 million of that.

3. I would pay off all my debt.

4. Go on a nice vacation – maybe a month in the Caribbean.

5. Buy a farm and adopt way too many homeless dogs and cats.

BF: How tall are you?

JA: I’m too short to be very good at basketball and too tall to ride the kids’ rides at the fair.

BF: Website you visit most often?

JA: Not counting work-related websites, probably NPR.

BF: What are you reading right now?

JA: Writing Riches, by Ray Edwards and Bad Feminist by Roxanne Gay

BF: Who do you like better, Pat or Amanda, and why?

JA: I like Amanda for her keen marketing sense, and Pat because he buys me coffee.

BF: What’s your favorite form of transportation? Get as specific as you’d like.

JA: In the summer, I like biking. In the winter, I like my car. Although, public transit can be quite interesting…

BF: Favorite game?

JA: Soccer

Did you enjoy getting to know Jim? Don’t leave yet. Meet a few other BuzzFarmers – NapaMary, Chris, and Erin!

Published On: August 3rd, 2015 / Categories: Company News / Tags: /