If you’re in charge of creating or managing your company blog, are you using cool blog titles or something boring?

Most business people know that creativity is important, but it isn’t necessarily top of mind in all endeavors. After all, business-as-usual and creativity aren’t exactly aligned.

Companies started looking at blogs differently once e-commerce and blogging became revenue streams. In this vein, the creative side of business became more important than ever before. Companies could take to their blogs to share stories, news, and product information without having to spend thousands of dollars on traditional advertising.

Today we’re going to take a look at some companies that use cool blog titles to create a sense of personality while communicating something about their brand. Ultimately, cool blog titles still need to stay true to a brand’s mission, but the creativity behind it will help stick in people’s minds … and hopefully get them to continue visiting.

Let’s begin with a few cool blog titles, shall we?

Eat24, an online food delivery service, has a blog called Bacon Sriracha Unicorn Diaries. No, I’m not kidding! If you think this is one of the cool blog titles, then I’d have to agree with you. It’s funny, and it leverages popular things, like bacon, sriracha, and unicorns. If you peruse the blog you’ll see many humorous blog titles, which clearly work on a blog like this one.

cool blog titles - eat24

Marriott on the Move is toward the top of the cool blog titles list. The title not only speaks of the forward progress of the hotel chain itself, but it also speaks to its audience as most guests of Marriott are traveling in some way.

Beutler Ink, a design and digital strategy company, publishes The Ink Tank. Clever, huh? This title immediately alludes to a think tank – where ideas and advice are shared by experts. This title portrays the employees of Beutler Ink as experts, and the blog shows their knowledge.

Southwest Airlines publishes the Nuts About Southwest blog, which is clearly for all fliers who love to travel with Southwest. This cool blog title also pays homage to the in-flight snacks found on this airline while gracing the skies.

cool blog titles - southwest airlines

First Round Capital creates the First Round Review, which isn’t necessarily the most interesting title, but it does provide the “review” aspect, letting audience members know that there’s some value behind visiting this blog. Of course, the company’s branding is utilized in this title, as well. Once at the blog, the mission statement is clear and the blog becomes much more interesting.

Cool Blog Titles for Consumer Goods

Fans of Whole Foods markets might be familiar with The Whole Story – the company’s blog. The title might not be as interesting as Bacon Sriracha Unicorn Diaries, but it does hold some branding value, keeping “whole” in the mix. For a company providing healthy food, the use of “whole” works well with the audience – signifying an environment of complete nutrition and health.

cool blog titles - whole foods

Staples Advantage has its Vantage Point blog. This play on words expresses to readers that using the tips (and products) from Staples will give professionals a leg up over the competition by providing ways to overcome challenges that many businesses face.

Patagonia’s The Cleanest Line blog shows the clothing company’s environmentally-friendly stance from the start. To me, The Cleanest Line speaks of being a clothing company that cares about environmental issues – something that most clothing lines don’t do. It provides information on Patagonia products, as well.

GM’s FastLane blog gets readers’ adrenaline pumping from the name alone. This title provides a “need-for-speed” persona while the blog’s design shows a sleek qualities as images of cars flow through the homepage.

Have you ever been backstage at a concert or other special event? How’d it make you feel? If you haven’t, FIAT tries to share the same exclusivity in its blog FIAT Backstage. The blog title alone shares that this is a group for owners and lovers of all things FIAT, and that audience members who visit the blog will be given the inside scoop on the car brand.

The Not-So-Cool Blog Titles

Great companies can have mediocre blog names. It’s bound to happen. Maybe they don’t want to show their creativity, or maybe the blog isn’t very significant in their eyes. Either way, it’s worth noting some of the not-so-cool blog titles we’ve seen.

Modcloth and Microsoft both use the word “story” in their blog titles. Normally I’d say this is cool enough, because story is the basis of our realities, but in a world where there is so much more creative freedom, you can already see that this one has been done before. (Side note: They’re still great blogs, but a different name would give them more power.)

cool blog titles - microsoft

Macy’s creates the MBlog. Are you excited by that title? I’m not.

And last but surely not least, we come to The Official Twitter Blog. Great name? Hardly. But hey, Twitter is the ultimate micropublishing website, so we’ll cut them some slack.

Words are important and the names we give to blogs, articles, or products have value. Remember that while titling your blog, or anything else.

Know of any cool blog titles floating around the web? Or any not-so-cool ones? We’d love to hear about them!

Published On: June 4th, 2022 / Categories: SEO Blogging for Business / Tags: /