With shifting workforce trends – in healthcare, telecommuting, and technology – HR departments and companies must always be ready to adapt.

Prospective employees once were able to walk in and ask a receptionist for an application, which they could then complete on the spot. Now, companies accept digital applications, and interview applicants via video web conferencing. And that’s just to join the company. Once they’re in, employees and management face far different office dynamics than previous generations did.

The rules of human resources have changed. Can your company keep up?

Human resources is an information hub. Employees come to you by way of recruitment, performance evaluation, problems, or termination. Simply put, people have questions. Employees, managers, and even other human resources professionals are looking for answers. Creating an HR blog is a way to disseminate policies and expectations in a clear and comprehensive way.

It’s also a way to provide even more services to businesses looking for help.

If you’re a company that offers a service that helps HR professionals, like TSheets, MonsterSurePayrollPaychex, or run a business like any of the HR companies below, then you can attract new customers and leads through a great blog!

If you’re unsure where to start, we’ve developed a list of 10 HR blog ideas to get your ball rolling. We’ve combed the web to find human resources management blogs that are leading the way. These companies have engaging voices, speak to various audiences, and provide thoughtful suggestions to their readers. We know it can be scary to start something new – kind of like a first day on the job – so we’ve created 10 possible blog titles for you to use. We’ve even researched optimized keywords and highlighted them in red in our titles.

[Tweet “HR blog ideas are plentiful: You can write about hiring, rewards, & … less pleasant subjects.”]

HR blog ideas are plentiful: You can write about recruitment, hiring, benefits, talent management, recognition, and termination. Whatever you do, just start writing. Here are 10 entry points – give us your ideas for an 11th in the comments afterward!

10 HR Blog Ideas

1. Help Them Make Hires

Title Idea: Recruitment and Selection Strategies for the Modern Workforce

Suggested Call to Action: “Searching for the best ways to find the best people? Let us get you on the right track.”

Are possible employees knocking down companies’ doors? In today’s changing job market, talent acquisition teams, be they managers or HR staff, can’t sit back and wait for qualified applicants to apply. Indeed discusses how metrics can transform their recruitment strategy.

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2. Help Them Find Interns

Title Idea: How to Hire an Intern Who Can Do More Than Order Coffee

Suggested Call to Action: “Paid? Unpaid? College credit? If you need solid intern candidates, we can help.”

Hiring an intern might seem like an ideal way to grow a company while saving money, and also trying the individual to see if he or she is a “fit” for the work culture. Monster’s blog discusses the realistic pros and cons of hiring recent grads as interns.

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3. Help Them Welcome New Employees

Title Idea: Onboarding Best Practices: Don’t Let Your New Hires Fend for Themselves

Suggested Call to Action: “Your new employees proved themselves to you during the hiring process – we can help you prove yourself to them once they get started.”

First impressions can dictate whether a new employee will stay long-term at a company. Likening onboarding new employees to a middle-school dance, KinHR provides some great examples on how to improve the new hire process and create a successful environment for employees.

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4. Help Them Reward Good Work

Title Idea: Employee Appreciation Ideas Your Competitor Hasn’t Thought Of Yet

Suggested Call to Action: “Running out of ways to recognize your best employees? These ideas aren’t gold watches, but they’re still valuable, and you can try them on for size.”

Employee recognition has become such a dull proposition in the common workplace. Rewards consist of anything from a certificate printed with the employee’s name on it to mild compensation. With the competition among companies for today’s highly skilled workforce, the games is being upped. TLNT offers fun, modern employee awards.

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5. Help Them Rise Above Workplace Politics

Title Idea: Addressing Rumors at Work Without Removing the Water Cooler

Suggested Call to Action: “Is your office more like a high school hallway than a high-functioning business? Here are some ways to defuse awkward situations.”

I’m sure you’ve heard some variations of this statement before: “Did you see how drunk Sally was at the Christmas party? I’ll bet she hit on the boss at some point.” Not only can rumors be damaging to a company, but they can cause a serious drain on morale and create unnecessary drama between staff members or a schism between employees and management. TribeHR’s blog tackles the subject in a straightforward manner.

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6. Help Them Clean Up Nice

Title Idea: Why Your Professional Dress Code Might Want to Loosen Its Tie

Suggested Call to Action: “Dress codes can be sensitive subjects – check out these spiffy suggestions on implementing changes.”

Dress code is one of the most discussed policies among employees in the workplace. See what CareerBuilder has to say on the topic.

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7. Help Them Get Some R&R

Title Idea: Your PTO Policy Needs a Performance Evaluation of Its Own

Suggested Call to Action: “Time to talk about taking some time off? Try these itineraries for PTO policy improvements.”

Vacation time, sick time, personal time, and leave time are becoming more nuanced and conditional. Fistful of Talent examines whether employers may want to look into eliminating paid time off policies altogether.

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8. Help Them Make Tough Choices

Title Idea: The Golden Rule: Handle an Employee Layoff How You’d Want to be Let Go

Suggested Call to Action: “Terminations and layoffs call for consideration, leading up to and during the moment of letting go. We can help talk you through it.”

No one likes to let employees go, especially when a bond has been formed and they’re a valuable part of the workplace. BambooHR tackles this painful subject, offering practical suggestions on how to let employees go with tact and respect.

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9. Help Them Learn From Experience

Title Idea: Exit Interview Questions That Aren’t a Waste of Time

Suggested Call to Action: “You finally get the chance to ask employees how they feel about your company and leadership. How should you handle it?”

There’s a lot management can learn about a company’s culture through the eyes of an employee who has resigned. The The Muse’s advice on handling exit interviews will benefit everyone involved.

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10. Let Your Users Blog About You

Title Idea: TSheets Review: How Olive Branch CPA Uses TSheets for Time Tracking

Suggested Call to Action: “How do you use TSheets in your business? Let us know and we might feature you and your business on the blog!”

Sometimes you can sell a product better just by letting your existing customers do the talking. That’s what TSheets did when they asked Jody Jordan from Olive Branch CPA to guest blog about her tips and tricks for using TSheets. There are 140 people searching for “Tsheets review,” so why not own the search results page for that keyword rather than letting some outsider have it?

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If you’re a human resources professional, you probably have a wealth of knowledge already. Now you have 10 HR blog ideas you can use to create content that will draw companies’ attention!

But we understand how busy you can get. If you want to update your blog, but don’t know where to start, contact us! We can help you keep your content fresh and new business coming in.
Published On: April 24th, 2022 / Categories: SEO Blogging for Business / Tags: , /