When can you start?

If you’ve been on a long and grueling job search, these words are like music to your ears, sweeter than Betty and Vanna White duetting on piano and harp, respectively. If you’re the one offering a job, you love asking the question, because it means you’ve found the right candidate after a challenging search of your own.

But you’re not here to find employees, are you? You’re not looking for a job, either. You’re gainfully employed as an executive at a staffing agency that already has a great staff of its own in place, right? You’re reading this because your business blog is either underperforming or nonexistent.

So, when can you start? When can you start improving your company’s web presence with an original content campaign that attracts a niche audience and drives revenue?


10 Recruitment Blog Ideas

Here’s how: 10 recruitment blog ideas to get you going. As always, we’ve highlighted the keywords in red. They’ll give you a leg up on the thousands of other headhunters, job finders, career matchers, and temp placers doing business today by turning your otherwise well-meaning but lackluster blog into an entertaining and informative sales tool. Your content can help establish you as an industry leader, educate and widen your talent pool, and instill trust while generating enthusiasm among clients.

[Tweet “Your content can establish you as an industry leader, expand audience, & generate enthusiasm.”]

1. Track Industry Trends

Title: How to Use Social Media for Recruitment

Suggested Call to Action: “Ready to use social media to find new talent but not sure where to start? Try our tested methods, and when they work, sign on for our other recruitment services to maximize your hiring power.”

International recruiting firm Aerotek features their well-designed and -executed blog front and center, dividing it into “Career Advice” and “Industry News.” Their smart posts – like this one about an emerging trend in the workforce – are supplemented with ample opportunities to interact with their sales department, with buttons like “Tell Us Your Staffing Needs.”

recruitment blog ideas

 2. Guide Them to Your Product

Title: Informational Interviewing: Learning About Possible Career Paths

Suggested Call to Action: “Embarking on a new career begins before you become one of our recruitment candidates. The first step is finding out what might work for you by asking the right questions of professionals who can provide the answers!”

Murray Resources in Houston sets a strong example for companies looking to showcase testimonials and issue powerful calls to action. Their content opens the door, and tactics like these close the deal. This post lends valuable advice to  people considering a career change, i.e.,  future match candidates and potential clients.

recruitment blog ideas

3. Strive for Shareable Content

Title: Warm Up Your Job Search With Summer Networking

Suggested Call to Action: “How did you spend last summer? Interning? Sunbathing? Traveling? Sleeping till noon in your old room? This year, how about some summer networking to find your dream job?”

Proven’s services skew a little younger and tech-ier, and their varied content stays on point while offering a little bit of everything: company news, employee profiles, job fair alerts, and – most importantly – shareable how-tos like this post. The only thing job searchers search for more than jobs are networking opportunities.

recruitment blog ideas

4. Help Employers Solve Problems

Title: How to Retain Staff When Your Top Talent Is Leaving

Suggested Call to Action: “Your business is only as strong as your staff. We’re here to help you hold on to your talent – and to help you find new employees.”

Charlotte’s TalentBridge has a lot going for their blog, including cohesive content, timely articles, and skillfully integrated calls to action. They could improve upon design and art to make their blog even more attractive, as many companies could! Writing a post about why your talent is leaving, as TalentBridge has done here, is a perfect topic to attract their target audience – a business who will soon be looking to recruit!

recruitment blog ideas

5. Establish Your Authority

Title: Why Effective Workplace Communication Is So Crucial

Suggested Call to Action: “Our clients – both employers and job seekers – are vetted to make sure they have the capacity to communicate and get on the same page. For more than 15 years, we’ve matched them up with unparalleled success. Give us a call if you’re in – or on – the market.”

RealStreet Staffing specializes in construction, engineering, and architectural job placement for executives. Their content-rich recruitment blog ideas admirably reflect and reinforce their expertise, but better SEO would likely bring in even more visitors – and more business. For instance, any keyword research they might have done is either out of date (remember – you can always refresh your posts and your optimization) or wasn’t as strong as it could have been to begin with. Keywords like “effective employee communication” and “effective communication” have way too much competition (ranging from hundreds of thousands to more than 2 million pages). My suggestion above, on the other hand, currently averages a respectable 260 searches a month, while facing only 22,400 competing pages.

recruitment blog ideas

6. Offer Tricks of the Trade

Title: Marketing Yourself for a Job: 10 Tips

Suggested Call to Action: “For freelancers and contractors, it’s tough to toot your own when you’re always working or looking for work. Try these 10 tips to make things a little easier, and let us know how it goes!”

Befitting their name and target audience, The Creative Group runs an exceptional blog with stylish design and a strong marketing perspective. Every element of their content delivery is airtight. This useful article – which provides a service to freelancers and contractors – draws on advice from multiple professionals, each of whom is shouted-out alongside their company’s website. There are links to white papers, well-placed sharing buttons, and an overall welcoming niche vibe.recruitment blog ideas

7.  Leverage Your Experience

Title: Acquiring Salary Negotiation Skills Can Change Your Career

Suggested Call to Action: “Struggling with your current salary and wondering when to make your move? Here are some dos and don’ts from employees who have learned the hard way before hitting the jackpot. What has worked for you in the past?”

The Hired Guns is another cool recruitment service for creatives, with a metric ton of premium-quality content on their blog that prospective employees and employers can access for free. Their evidence-based and anecdotal posts strike a nice balance, and an impressive roster of contributors – including Ryan Galloway of Contently – boasts a trove of combined experience. Again, this is a post that appeals to potential clients: newer members of the workforce who, if they’re like most professionals in this day and age, will switch jobs and even careers over the course of their lifetimes.

recruitment blog ideas

8. Ease Their Worries With Resources

Title: Interview Tips for Managers New to the Hiring Process

Suggested Call to Action: “Sometimes, interviewers are more stressed out than interviewees, especially when they’re unprepared. These tips will get your ready and help you represent your company in the best way possible, while finding the best possible candidates. It’s what we do!”

The blog of Tampa’s Hiregy is all about the free resources – white papers, toolboxes, and an email newsletter – which can do wonders for your traffic conversion. They also feature articles that cover the questions we can sometimes be afraid to ask. This post also shows the advantage that staffing agencies have over most companies when it comes to original content campaigns. Their recruitment blog ideas can target two audiences: job searchers and job providers.

recruitment blog ideas

9. Turn Your Blog Into a Team Player

Title: How to Improve Company Culture

Suggested Call to Action: “Ready to take your team-building to the next level? Our recruitment services are built on bold ideas – let us share some with you!”

Adecco demonstrates how your blog can funnel into other aspects of your business. This post – albeit one that could use a boost in content quality and quantity – does an excellent job of promoting one of the agency’s excellent webinars, with multiple calls to action.

recruitment blog ideas

10. Find the Right Audience

Title: Are Career Certification Programs Worth It?

Suggested Call to Action: “Are you at a crossroads in your career and figuring out how to equip yourself with the skills necessary to climb the ladder? Let’s take a look at career certification programs to see if they’re right for you. We’ll cut through the hype and give you the facts, just as we do with our placement services.”

With a comprehensive and helpful blog, Robert Half (they also own The Creative Group) zeroes in on niche traffic by asking and answering specific questions. In addition, they deftly link to archival content, which helps keep visitors on the website. This gradually expands their audience and increases the odds of securing new clients. Even if you don’t immediately convert readers into customers, their loyalty – via repeat visits, email subscriptions, and social sharing – will pay off.

recruitment blog ideas

These recruitment blog ideas are a perfect match for staffing agencies who need help with their online presence. Original content campaigns are ideal for firms in this field: People are always searching for work, and companies are always searching for good candidates. Hot topics, how-tos, industry news, and other opportunities to share your knowledge are endless.

Looking for some feedback on your business blog? Any advice for us when it comes to our recruitment blog ideas? Let us know in the comments!

Published On: May 12th, 2022 / Categories: SEO Blogging for Business / Tags: , /