Marketing Genius is a series created by BuzzFarmers to give virtual high fives to anyone who develops a unique (and brilliant) marketing idea worth talking about.

Maybe it’s just because I’m writing this in the middle of a Wine Wednesday afternoon at BuzzFarmers during the holidays, but California-based Borracha is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

In general, I consider myself a fairly stoical guy, but the folks behind their blog are just so fun, smart, and informative. More importantly, we’ve been checking them out for a while now, and they keep cranking out admirable work week after week. They know that consistently high-quality posts can lead to consistently higher profits. They’ve mastered how to sell wine products – like their Wine Wipes – by creating content that any oenophile who knows a Jeroboam from an Imperial is looking for on the web.

We decided it was time for a cross-country shout-out.

A while back, we proved that even accounting firms can produce compelling, revenue-driving content. Before that, a Kentucky manufacturer of Flange Mount Mixers, Economy Tote Brackets, and Hydrofoil Impellers. Now, for our next trick, we reveal a company creating brand identity with a product whose primary purpose is to keep your chompers spotless when you’re boozing it up.

I mean, if I told you that a website with the domain name was a paragon of business blogging, you would probably shoot back, “Uh, more like business grogging, am I right?!” But, no, I actually do mean blogging. These self-proclaimed “Thirsty Girls” are turning the battle against tooth discoloration into a clinic on attracting and converting an audience.

Let’s take a look at five recent examples from Borracha’s original content campaign to figure out how to sell wine products – or any product – by way of your blog.

The many components of their friendly, accessible content – including product tie-ins and reviews, “What We’re Drinking Now” features, and book reviews – come together to help define their company’s character. In a matter of minutes and in the space of a few clicks, we get a feel for who they are and how they do business. We see that they have a sharp eye cast across the industry and that they know their stuff. We catch a glimpse of the personalities behind their day-to-day operations.

But it’s the types of posts below that really tell their story.


1. Helpful How-Tos

This post on throwing a Beaujolais nouveau party is unique and relevant evergreen that draws wine connoisseurs and novices alike to the blog. What do wine connoisseurs and novices have in common? Well, they both drink wine. And if they enjoy Beaujolais, they or someone they love occasionally deals with those unsightly reddish-blackish-purplish stains on their teeth – aka, the mark of the beast – that could ruin their lives if they don’t buy Borracha Wine Wipes pronto. Bonus: By searching for primer content, these potential customers also show they’re willing to try new things.

creating brand identity

 2. Sharing the Spotlight

Interviews, like this one with talented jeweler and fashion blogger Jess Hannah, are a cool way to include other like-minded small business voices. While it might seem counter-intuitive to devote a post without direct branding, the association here is bursting with good karma and presents an opportunity for a cross-pollination of audiences. After all, people who buy jewelry and clothes online probably drink a glass of red wine every once in a while, right? And people who drink more than a glass of wine more than every once in a while definitely buy jewelry and clothes online. Everybody benefits.

creating brand identity

 3. Find the Niches in the Niche

Another interview focusing on a fellow small business, this one with winemaker Brian Brown of ONX Wines, once again aims for some cross-over appeal in creating brand identity. The subtext here is “We, too, are a boutique company doing things the right way – our products can complement each other and work together.” It’s a good way to capture the attention of ONX drinkers and consumers searching for ONX wines, while at the same time showing Borracha’s current customers that they know what’s up.

creating brand identity

 4. Facts and Trivia

Borracha’s Wine Wipes and Pearly Wipes have such a wide appeal that even posts on the benefits of wine consumption can generate sales, especially when they come from one of the company’s founders. When you publish content like this on your blog, just make sure your calls to action and interstitial ads are strong.

creating brand identity

 5. Tips and Tricks

This post on wine apps is useful content that helps Borracha build a loyal following and, I imagine, collect email addresses for their newsletters and promotions. Identifying with customers – in this case, showing that they’re learning right alongside of them – gives the company a better chance at establishing a sustained relationship. It also gives customers a better idea of what Borracha’s all about.

creating brand identity

Sure, we’re probably biased, since Borracha’s strategy on how to sell wine products includes an original content campaign much like the ones we undertake for companies. But the secret behind their Marketing Genius – as with all of the businesses we’ve profiled – is simply hard work, research, and experimentation. In the end, even if you make stuff that people aren’t necessarily searching for – or, indeed, don’t even know exist – you can level the playing field by producing content that they are searching for.

How are you creating brand identity with your blog? Let us know in the comments!

Published On: December 15th, 2014 / Categories: Marketing Genius / Tags: , , , /