Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook

Oh, happy month, I had the pleasure of reviewing Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook on About.com for one of my favorite social media dudes.

Gary Vaynerchuck (@garyvee on Twitter) was originally known in the social media world as the guru of wine, and I think he can take a lot of credit for making wine cool again through Wine Library TV, where he shot videos sampling different wines in an Average Joe kind of way. At least, he had a lot to do with how I came to love wine. I’m getting married in Napa, for cripes’ sake!

But what makes Gary stand out in the social media and business world now is his hustle. Inc. dubbed him “the hardest working man in social media.”

In his first book, Crush It, he showed entrepreneurs what it took to succeed in this world: hard work, long hours, and passion. In his second book, The Thank You Economy, he taught businesses to show gratitude; that saying thank you can build loyalists around your brand. In this third book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, Gary builds upon the first two with the “pay it forward” mentality. Give your potential customers as much as you can, so that when you ask them for something, they’re more inclined to respond. It can be as simple as entertaining them on Facebook.

You can read the full review, but for a quick summary, let me demonstrate Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook with the local market where I grew up. I think they do an awesome job on Facebook; in fact, I think they might have more Facebook fans than actual town residents.



Making them laugh with a joke about the inflatable toy found on the store roof.


Cute dog and d’awwwwwww – he’s shoppppinnngggg …..


Saying THANK YOU for helping them collect $600 to serve the local community on Thanksgiving.

Right Hook

And can we even call this a right hook when it practically sells itself?


I found Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook to be laid out in a way that’s easy to read, with case studies that offered proof rather than preaching the social media bible. I’m always a fan of Gary’s books because they’re not packed with fluffy chapters to convince you why social media is great; he gets right into the proof and strategies. This book did not disappoint and I’d recommend getting a copy for every business owner you know, then telling them to hire us. Back off, Gary, and let us have Providence!

Read the full review on About.com.

Published On: November 24th, 2013 / Categories: Marketing Genius / Tags: /