Marketing Genius is a series created by BuzzFarmers to give virtual high-fives to anyone who develops a unique (and brilliant) marketing idea worth talking about.

AppSumo is one of the few “daily deal” emails I look forward to and still subscribe to. In their own words, “This fat-ass Sumo sends you one MASSIVE money-saving deal on tech stuff for startups (like apps and software) … Every day.” Font packages, training videos, apps, you name it.

Patrick and I deeply admire AppSumo’s creator Noah Kagan and all of his ventures, but two things that AppSumo itself does fantastically well: writing copy and getting their deals shared.

When faced with blasting their readers with soul-sucking jargon or throwing in a swear word, they’re happy to drop the f-bomb. Their copy is second to none and follows the same mantra as Groupon, who’d rather turn funny people into funny writers, rather than trying to turn a writer into a funny writer.

But all that copy won’t do them any good if nobody is reading it, right? And the only way that AppSumo is going to get people to buy what they’re selling is to convince as many folks as possible to share the deals. Like most daily deal sites, they provide an incentive for anyone who buys something via a link that you share. Their deal is $10.

So, today, I came across one of those Darth Vader pop-ups (you know, where they darken the background and all that jazz) on AppSumo that was more share-worthy than just talking about it in a 140 character tweet. This is what their pop-up looks like when you hang out on the page too long.

Oh, hello there, like button. You fit so pleasantly on this pop-up that it’s reminiscent of a note I once wrote to a cute boy in third grade. “Do you like me? Check yes or no.” Do you like this deal on AppSumo? Hit like or hate. I don’t even know what the “hate” button does, other than close the window. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t decide which deals to serve me in the future. I’m a button pusher, you know?

In any case, this is very clever. do you agree? The only plugin I know that does something similar is Social Traffic Pop for WordPress, but feel free to pitch in any other plugins you know of in the comments!

Published On: October 5th, 2011 / Categories: Marketing Genius /