Illustrated by David Flanagan

I just witnessed, before my very eyes, a small business with a killer sales strategy on Facebook.

Meet Grace Graffiti, a small retail shop in Downtown Brunswick, Ga., that specializes in handmade wood decorations and accessories.

The Fourth of July is coming up, so GG decided to put up some of their patriotic items in a “first one gets it” kind of way. They told fans, “First to comment SOLD gets it.” And guess what … it worked.

First, they put up a Patriotic Star, which sold in five minutes. With that kind of return they probably figured, hey, why not try again? The next one, put up a few minutes later, sold in four minutes. Even better, there were two more people who commented. Of course, GG offered to make a couple of more!

Seriously, check this out:

Grace Graffiti on Facebook


And if this wasn’t all clever enough, they loaded up an Etsy ad for their out-of-town buyers, offering a discount code “LOCAL” to eliminate shipping costs and move the purchase along even more easily for their local buyers.

Marketing genius? I’d say so. I’m sending these folks a long-distance high-five from Rhode Island to Georgia!

Published On: June 26th, 2013 / Categories: Marketing Genius / Tags: /