These blog post ideas for CRM companies will shake up run-of-the-mill content and drive waves of potential sales and customer service professionals to your site.

Before I get into these exciting blog post ideas for CRM companies, let me tell you why I appreciate CRM (and all management systems) more than your average Joe.

The first job I landed after college was remarkably dull. I was hired at $22.00 an hour (an astronomical figure to me then) to reorganize an office space filled with boxes. In these boxes were hundreds of manila folders, and in these folders numerous confidential records. I filed the records into color coded cabinets and then transferred all that information into a giant Excel spreadsheet. One record at a time.

Does your brain hurt? Yeah, mine too. It took a year before I came to my senses and got out of there.

A few months later, I walk into a new job and lay my eyes on a gleaming, heaven sent, CRM system installed on my work computer. I swear to you, I almost shed a tear. Everything was so easy. Just the touch of a button, the swipe of a finger, and I was done.

Now I write specialized content for company blogs. So it’s time to return the favor. 

Our team specializes in ghostwriting and managing blogs for companies, a few noteworthy CRMs among them. We connect with your target audience through SEO-optimized blog posts, driving waves of new traffic to your website, and keep customers coming back to engage with new content every week. We bring the sale directly to your virtual door. 

So, for this post, I’ve compiled ten blog post ideas for CRM companies looking to create better website traffic, specifically through the use of their blog content.

I’ve hand-picked these examples because they’ve shown an incredible amount of promise, but with a little bit of SEO tweaking, could turn into marketing powerhouses. I’ve included sample keywords (that’s right, freebies!) highlighted in red, as well as a suggested call to action and a few tips and tricks along the way.


A quick note about SEO keywords

Research and test keywords with your target customers in mind. If you find one that has quite a bit a yearly search traffic and doesn’t compete with major brands or leading publishers, you got a nice find. Many of the CRMs listed here came very close to finding a great keyword phrase. Some were only off the mark by one word. If you found one, now you just need to find someone to build quality content around it and make it work for you.

10 blog post ideas for CRM companies seeking to drive more organic traffic to their websites

The blogs listed below have been pulled right off the respective company’s website. Give them a look to get more ideas or read through our many relevant posts on the Lantern blog.

1. Design Creative Metaphors for the Sales Process

Title:  How to Create a Sales Process Template

Suggested Call to Action: “Are you looking to track results for your sales team and keep your quarterly goals on point? We can show you a visual pipeline that’s simple, easy and fun to use.”

Pipedrive does an excellent job in posting fresh, well-written content on their blog. One in particular that stuck out was “How to Climb the Yes-tree in Sales”. The extended metaphor leads into a tightly wound-sales funnel strategy. It’s easy to tell that this “yes-tree” idea was unique, and afforded a great opener to lead into their specialized CRM strategy. The only missing link was a keyword phrase to tie it all together. Focusing the content around a keyword phrase with high yearly searches will keep this post alive and in front of new potential customers. With content that rich, it would be easy to attract readers again and again, driving up their Google rankings for years to come, and turning that traffic into sales for themselves.



2. Let the Customer Know You’re working on the Small Things, Too

Title: New and Improved Daily Task Reminders for Sales Reps

Suggested Call to Action: “We’ll always keep you updated on what’s happening behind the scenes at Capsule–even the small tweaks that could go unnoticed.”

Reading through the back archives of Capsule’s blog, it’s clear that they like to keep their customers informed about everything that goes on. Although, it’s not known how much engagement they’re receiving from those posts. We suggest taking that same idea and fleshing out the prose with SEO keywords and a couple hundred more words per post. If you can get your software update posts ranked on Google, others will come in and see how well you treat the customers, too.

Transparency is the new policy for CRM companies. You can use your blog to communicate your brand on a personal level, while also framing the content around key phrases that your audience search for.



3. Enrich Your Blog posts With Video Content

Title: How to Master Cold Emailing That’s More Than Tepid 

Suggested Call to Action: “Maybe if you knew how your prospects behaved with your cold emails, it wouldn’t be so hard to adapt and try again. With our 14-day free trial, you can do that. For free. Did I say free already?”

If one thing makes stick out from all the rest, it’s their dedicated and consistent use of video content. The videos serve a useful training guide for readers and come with a call to subscribe at the end. The one post about “How to Improve Your Cold Email Response Rates” is a perfect example for showing the thin layer between a great keyword and a decent one. The written content above the video hits on many similar keywords, such as cold emails, cold sales email, cold email response rate, etc.

10 Blog Post Ideas for CRM Companies to Make Killer Conversions

4. Break up Your Text with Helpful Images and Offer Guidance

Title: 10 Killer Email Management Tips for Highly Efficient Salespeople

Suggested Call to Action: “Imagine the possibility of running your business through Gmail. Two birds with one stone? How about a whole flock. Give us a try!”  

Streak has done a great job providing helpful content to their current customer base. The walkthrough tutorials are finely detailed with images and precise direction, but it doesn’t look like Streak is receiving the full benefit of their content. If they wrote a post utilizing the keyword in the suggested headline above, they would be placing their content in front of more than 4,600 unique searches every year and only 7,770 competing pages with that same keyword. And, that’s only one example.

If they wanted to, Streak could place themselves right at the top of Google’s search engine for a search term that aligns with their product and brand. 



5. Dominate the “How to” Approach

Title: The Ultimate Guide to Email Scripts and How to Utilize Them

Suggested Call to Action: “Looking for a way to conquer your fear of cold emailing? What you need is a comprehensive marketing tool to guide you there.”

NinjaOutreach uses their blog to create compelling content. They update the platform regularly with new posts, and most of them are filled with SEO keywords. I would only suggest watching what specific keywords to choose. Utilizing the keyphrase “email scripts” over “outreach scripts“ can make a world of difference in terms of Google visibility.


6. Use Infographics to Keep Readers Engaged

Title: 10 Great Email Subject Lines That Will Hook You Right Away

Suggested Call to Action: “Organizing your email campaigns has never been easier and more effective. Come check out what our unique CRM can offer you today.”

Contactually does an awesome job using infographics in their blog posts. The graphics are detailed, fun to read, and kept me engaged the entire time. This is a great example of blog post ideas for CRM companies: create more engaging graphics. You can tell that their in-house graphic artist put a lot of work into creating those images, and the payoff is well done within the content.

But this blog deserves to have better Google visibility, so I picked up a niche keyword that would fit nice with it. With 3,840 yearly searches and only 4,330 competing pages on Google, the keyword above would slay if placed within the headline and text. Nice job, guys. Git er’ done.


7. Offer a Helpful Diagnosis for Failed Attempts at Marketing

Title: What Is a Drip Campaign? You Asked the Right Person

Suggested Call to Action: “Are you sick of drafting hundreds of cold emails with no responses? What if you could automate that process and send out hundreds outbound efforts to numerous prospects, with near to zero effort? That’s why we call it the sales beach, friend. It’s just that easy.”

Sales Beach gives off a great vibe. It could be the palm trees and beach sunsets on the home page, but I’m talking about the informative, useful blog content. “Diagnosing Your Outbound Email Campaigns” was a fantastic post, listing problems and solutions in clear language. Two issues were apparent right away though: “outbound email campaigns” has only ten searches a month on Google, and has a high competition for ranking. Your great content deserves better, Sales Beach! (Shakes fists towards the sky). But, I did see that this CRM website was the only one to specifically include drip campaigns as the main feature.

Guess what? The keyword phrase I highlighted above is a beast. 2,520 yearly searches for “what is a drip campaign” with only 3,210 competing pages on Google. That’s a great keyword. Get on it. Or, you can hire us, and we’ll get on it for you.

sales beach


8. Use a Pop Culture Reference To Connect with Readers

Title: How to Deliver a Wolf of Wall Street Sales Pitch

Suggested Call to Action: “Learn how to deliver a sales pitch that’s worthy of an Oscar nomination.”

I have to say, I loved the fact that OnDigo used The Wolf of Wall Street in their blog post title and played into it with their content. Genius, genius idea. I loved it so much, that I did a little keyword research to see how that panned out SEO-wise. Not so great, unfortunately. But, there is hope: the keyword above, “wolf of wall street sales pitch” has a whopping 3,120 searches per year, with only 4,320 competing pages on Google. In other words, a slight change in the headline and a few contextual additions of this phrase within the text, and you have an extremely optimized blog post. One that can pull in more traffic and set up OnDigo for more sales.

10 Blog Post Ideas for CRM Companies to Make Killer Conversions


9. Focus Your Blog on the Features

Title: Why We Created A Smart Reporting System for Easy Convenience

Suggested Call To Action: “You don’t want to be glued to the screen every day watching over your CRM, do you? That’s why we created an automatic reporting system to keep you up to date when you’re out and about.”

Customeed struck me right away with their branding: “The most comfortable CRM on Earth.” That bit of copywriting strikes a cord; I wouldn’t be surprised to see other CRMs mimic a similar shtick. When it comes to their blog, Customeed is simply utilizing that platform as a way to keep customers up to date. That’s too bad because we feel they could drive loads of traffic to their site with the right keywords and quality content. Then again, you can always enrich your software updates with SEO to help get noticed on Google. Either way, if Customeed combined that brand voice with blog content, wonderful things could happen.


10. Become an Informational Source for Salespeople

Title: How to Cold Call Your Way Into a Wonderful Sales Career

Suggested Call to Action: “When you learn how to communicate effectively over the phone, doorways open up for you. Match that skill set with a customizable sales CRM, and you have an unstoppable force.”

Prosperworks (formerly Strideapp) look like they have a solid content team working on their business blog. A few keywords they’ve targeted don’t have much search right now, but it’s likely they will build search traffic with time. In the meantime, the blog posts are informative, directed towards salespeople (their target audience, mind you!) and very helpful. They could benefit from targeting stronger niche keywords like the one listed above. With that caliber of content being published, it’s likely the website traffic wouldn’t take long to come running in.

10 Blog Post Ideas for CRM Companies to Make Killer Conversions


What we’re trying to capture here is the fact that your CRM website blog is more a sales tool than you’d expect. These blog post ideas for CRM companies can be translated into any business that maintains a website presence. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there is a new SaaS popping up out of the woodwork every day–if you want to keep your customers engaged and loyal to your business, write for them! Give them all the great content you can offer. If you can properly enrich that content with phrases that your target audience searches for online, you will get in front of them and level up your Google visibility.

Do you know another CRM blog that publishes great content? Are you going to use any of these highlighted keywords to drive traffic to your site? Let us know what you think about this post in the comments!

We’d love to geek out about content marketing with you. Contact us today to get started.