As you might know from our past videos, we sometimes like to challenge ourselves with turning a fun event into a sixty second story through video. So far it’s turned out that we’re never prepared when the opportunity presents itself and our minute-long stories are shot on an iPhone, but that’s fun, right? Vintage, eh? We’ve got the Canon 5D at home, but an iPhone is cool, yeah?

Try not to sense the disdain, but instead how much fun we had this past weekend at a chili-chowder cookoff in the backyard of my hometown. I’m not ashamed to say that some of the chowder was better than anything I’ve gotten right here in the Ocean State! Competition is on, guys!

Anyway, this was just for fun, but I hope you enjoy the peek at our weekend and we encourage you to gain a little work/life balance here and there, even if it hurts a little, but especially if it involves chili and chowder.

Featured photo came from their Facebook page.

Published On: September 26th, 2012 / Categories: Company Adventures /