So, I wrote this really epic post to go along with this cute graphic Sarah made just for it.

In it, I talked about the fact that we’re hiring, plus the order in which we’ll do so (business manager, social media analyst, managing editor, wordpress developer). Then, I even told you when we’re scheduling interviews and common reasons why you might not get an interview (if you don’t).

But then Pat told me I couldn’t say any of those things or somebody might sue us.

So, instead, I’m consolidating and just telling you that we’re hiring and that we’re hiring one position at a time, in the order above, and if you don’t hear from us, I’m sorry, I love you, and we might have future plans for you with different types of clients. And also that I appreciate your putting your hearts and souls into your applications and talking to us on Twitter.

Also, this won’t be the last time we’re hiring for these positions. So.

That’s all I can say before Pat unplugs the Internet and locks me out of the blog.

Published On: March 12th, 2014 / Categories: Company News /