During the next week or so, we’re getting the flamethrowers ready and the tumbleweeds rolling in order to launch BuzzFarmers. It’s been a labor of love with people who have previously been working on separate social media, design, and online marketing projects – all coming together for the “greater good.”

Or, in other words, we’re coming together as a superhuman marketing team to manifest some pretty exceptional all-inclusive packages for our existing and new clients. The projects we have coming up are pretty exciting.

This weekend, Amanda MacArthur, our CMF (Chief Marketing Farmer), and Patrick Hughes, our CPF (Chief Production Farmer), will be mingling with their social media friends at PodCamp Boston 5 and decided to do something a little different for our business cards.

Call us old-fashioned, but stamps and India Ink make for great business cards. And they smell good, too.

OK, we cheated on the stamps with a Uniball pen for our contact information, but they just don’t make stamps that small!

And besides, here on the farm, we’re the ones who deliver; nobody delivers to us. So, if Vistaprint thought they were going to offer us some tomfoolery of 500 free business cards (+S&H), they had another thing coming.

If you’re going to be at PodCamp, we’ll see you there! If not, you’re missing out on some pretty sweet business cards.

Published On: September 23rd, 2010 / Categories: Company News /