During our weekly racquetball game, when I first asked Napa MacArthur-Hughes if I could interview him about his job at BuzzFarmers, he instructed me to make an appointment with our office manager, Mary, explaining that his responsibilities as housecarl and one of the world’s busiest office dogs are so demanding that he can’t keep track of them.

When we finally sat down together, Napa was in the middle of his neighborhood-watch shift here in the office, and something was happening outside between a bee and a construction worker that he just couldn’t miss. You see, Napa may tell you about how he spends much of his workday gazing over the view from our beautiful work windows, but what he doesn’t share is that he created this “neighborhood watch” program because his personal dream – in addition to his vast and varied business interests – is to be a dog detective.

[Tweet “.@NapatheDog’s Daily Growl blog has such great office dog interviews – so here’s one with him!”]

He loves sniffing out a trail – you should see the amount of work he puts into his own blog, Napa’s Daily Growl. He takes his research and interviewing to the extreme. Take Poop Week, for example. Napa wrote about constipation, safe dog laxatives, diarrhea, picking up after a dog, and why some dogs even eat poop. When Napa isn’t playing detective, writing, or researching, you can often find him resting in sun spots, playing with his toys, and cuddling up near an employee to encourage them. He often tells us how lucky he feels to work with us, but believe me, we’re the lucky ones.

With all of the great office dogs Napa’s interviewing at his Daily Growl, we wanted to get in on the act with some cross-blog promotion. Here, without further ado, is our conversation.

BF: Where are you from?

NMH: I’ve spent most of my life in Rhode Island, though I lived in Florida and Massachusetts for a brief period of time. I consider myself a traveling spirit. I love to get away on vacation with my parents.

BF: Who are your heroes?

NMH: All working and office dogs mean a lot to me, but I have a special place in my heart for the brave police and fire dogs and soldier dogs. They put their lives on the line every day for the safety of other people and animals. That is so admirable. Oh, and search-and-rescue dogs are pretty heroic, as well. I’d love to interview these brave dogs on Napa’s Daily Growl.

photoBF: Describe your education.

NMH: I think I learn best by mirroring human beings’ and other dogs’ behaviors. Every day that I come to work I learn something new about content creation, blog management, and social media management. I’m so grateful that my human counterparts keep me so in the loop.

BF: Describe your work experience.

NMH: I have a strong work ethic. I believe in getting to work early, being properly dressed, and starting the day with a smile. I like to think that my it’s my job to cheer up my coworkers. Before I worked at BuzzFarmers as the office dog, I was a stay-at-home dog. I liked to keep an eye on the yard, the house, the squirrels, and make sure my parents stayed out of trouble. When I found out that my parents were setting down some office roots in Rhode Island, I knew it was time to get some professional experience for my resume, so I applied.

BF: Why did you want to work at BuzzFarmers?

NMH: Oh, this is an easy one! I’m always up for adventure. When I first found out that I was a candidate for the office dog position, I was so excited about all the humans I would get to play, errr, work with. Plus, I’ve always loved writing for Napa’s Daily Growl, and I was hoping that what I’d learn at work would help my blog, as well.

BF: What are your hobbies?

NMH: Some may call it silly, but I sincerely love to watch and chase the squirrels in my yard at home.

BF: Tell me a quick story that encapsulates what kind of dog you are.

NMH: Every time a new client or friend or even strangers come into our office, I rush to greet them, because everyone likes to feel important. After I’m sure they feel welcomed, I run and get all my office toys and gather them near the new human’s feet. Kindness and sharing are my modus operandi.

photo-2BF: Are you a mountain dog or water dog?

NMH: Definitely mountain. I do not love to swim. Repeat, I do not love to swim.

BF: What’s your favorite feature of yourself?

NMH: I’m very loyal, and loyalty in business is a very important thing. I’ll work hard to make sure you’re completely satisfied with any project that the BuzzFarmers team is helping you on. My office workers are the greatest pals I could ever ask for, and I can see how much they care about their clients. I’ll make sure you get the care and attention that you deserve.

BF: Website you visit most often?

NMH: I’m always on the search for a new toy and the most recent studies on dog poop. I do a lot of research for my blog, so I’m all over the Internet. The internet is a magnificent place! Actually, I do spend a lot of time on Twitter. Come chat with me at @NapatheDog.

BF: Who do you like better: Chris, Mary, Shawn, or Erin, and why?

NMH: Oh, gosh. They’re all great coworkers! I can tell you what I like best about each of them.

  • Chris is very inspirational. He has a relaxed spirit, and dogs react well to calm and centered humans.
  • Mary, what a pal. She loves to snuggle, and she always hangs out with me if my parents leave the office for a little while. She’ll never let me get lonely.
  • Shawn is really smart, and he’s always teaching me something new. Plus, he throws the ball around in the office for me, so that makes me smile.
  • Erin is really fun, too. We take a lot of “selfies” together in the office, and she always volunteers when I need someone to type out a new blog post for me.

photo-1I’m so lucky to have such great co-workers at BuzzFarmers! They’re every office dog’s dream!

BF: Favorite game?

NMH: Tug of war. But especially tug of war with my awesome co-workers.

Our thanks to Napa for taking the time out of his busy schedule to sit down and chat. We had a great time with him, as we always do! You can find his work at Napa’s Daily Growl and follow his adventures via @NapatheDog. If you’d like to meet him in person at the BuzzFarmers office, call us today!

Published On: September 25th, 2014 / Categories: Company News / Tags: , /