This month, we’re in hiring mode. During the next 30 days, we’ll be interviewing and hiring a new social media manager and a second managing editor.

All the while, our office is being built, and we’re collecting furnishings from around Rhode Island to put in it so that it’s a proper second home. Today, we visited the famous Lorimer Workshop to help design our perfect conference table and can’t wait for it to be done!

Exciting, yes? Frightening? Super yes!

At the request of our clients, I’m required to hire a mini-me. In reality, I think it’s important to hire someone who has strengths in areas I don’t. I’m an insanely introverted CEO (at least I feel that way) and semi-organized perfectionist, but I work best at 3am when the world is quiet and nobody is chewing in my general vicinity. I need people who are better than – or at least different from – me in those departments.

Also, people who don’t chew, maybe ever. Kidding! (Or am I?)

With all of this hiring stuff on my brain, I decided to dedicate my monthly posts to jobs. In fact, you can use one of them to get a job with us if you’re paying close enough attention!

First off, if you want to leapfrog us and head straight to working at Twitter HQ, I dug up a bunch of tips for doing that. Their offices look pretty cool – I’d love to have a rooftop garden one day, wouldn’t you? Oh, and yoga classes? Heck, I don’t even do yoga, but I would!

Second, some pointers for using Twitter to get your next job … with us, perhaps? I feel like No. 6 is a pretty crucial step in the process, and you could skip right to this one at the very least.

Next, if you’re looking to get a job Tweeting for a living (and not that sponsored crap), then I put together some tips on how to land a job like that. It can also be used by an employer looking to hire so that you know what to look for. Spoiler: Owning a smartphone is not a qualification!

Finally, some words of caution about how Twitter can get you fired, rather than hired. This stuff isn’t rocket science, yet people keep making all of these mistakes, sometimes without even knowing they did something wrong.

So, the moral of the story is that we’re super-excited to be hiring and we’ll be sharing our job listings on Twitter, @buzzfarmers, next week.

Are you listening? I promise I was kidding about the chewing thing.

Update: Here are the job listings!

Published On: February 27th, 2014 / Categories: Company News /