Marketing Resources2024-05-17T04:03:26+00:00

Marketing Resources

Browse our catalog of search marketing, video storytelling, editorial planning, copywriting, graphic design, and social media articles written by our in-house experts.

Chicago Tribune on Twitter: The Case Study That Backs Up Engagement

December 19th, 2024|

While @ChicagoTribune is ranked 8th in terms of Twitter followers for national newspapers, they actually rank #2 with a more personal account called @ColonelTribune. The @ColonelTribune account is architected to serve the average news-reader and isn't catering to the news junkie that subscribes to newspaper feeds as a replacement to their RSS feed.

Loyalty: The True Long Tail of Social Media

December 15th, 2024|

Loyalty, the long tail of social media, is more valuable than a one-shot purchase. I could have bought a single pack of marshmallows from Wondermade from a single link they sent out right away. Instead, I bought myself a few boxes a couple months later. Then a month later, I sent out a few boxes more as gifts. For Christmas, I'm thinking about sending them out to clients. All based on a single Instagram photo.

  • Wasp Marketing

Tiny Blogging Experts: Why Wasps Would Make Great Bloggers

December 14th, 2024|

Imagine if wasps flew around in little pea coats, striped pants, and tiny top hats instead of going around stinging people. Wasp marketing could be the new thing – they'd just fly around whispering blogging tips in people's ears and the world would be blessed with great websites and optimized content.

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